Saturday, September 6, 2008

Adaptive Eating Utensils for Rheumatoid Arthritis

I wrote this article in response to a request for information. If you have hand deformities resulting from rheumatoid arthritis, you might have trouble hanging on to, well, everything, including eating utensils. This article, Adaptive Eating Utensils for Rheumatoid Arthritis, will give you some ideas for how to adapt meals. I tried to write it to give inexpensive, around the house ideas in addition to utensils available for purchase, as I know that health problems can zap the ol' bank account and not everyone can go out and buy new silverware. I also know that sometimes it just takes a quick and easy fix to solve the problem and a simple placemat might make the difference. Sometimes you, however, have to buy adapted utensils, and I have given resources for those also. Click on the title link to read the article.